
Activists call for arrest in Emmett Till case

By Leah Williams Jul 7, 2022 | 4:26 PM

JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV) – Family members of Emmett Till and local activists met in Jackson on Thursday to call for justice for Till and for authorities to serve the arrest warrant for Carolyn Bryant Donham.

This comes after an unserved 1955 arrest warrant for Bryan Donham was found in a Leflore County Courthouse last week. Bryant Donham was the woman who accused Till of whistling at her, which led to his murder. His death sparked the Civil Rights Movement.

Attorney Malik Shadazz said they left Raleigh, North Carolina, on Wednesday after searching all known addresses for Bryant Donham, but she was nowhere to be found.

“We went to her doorstep in Raleigh yesterday and all known locations. Absolutely, we believe that they are hiding her, but there is not hiding place, especially not in Raleigh,” said Shabazz.

Pruscilla Sterling, a cousin of Till, said, “Carolyn Bryant should face justice. At least Carolyn Bryant should face justice. At least Carolyn Bryant should defend herself in court. Let her tell her side of the story, and then, from there, we the people, the courtroom decide.”

Shabazz, along with activists and Till’s family members, will travel to Leflore County. They hope to meet with District Attorney Dewayne Richardson in order for the nearly 70-year-old warrant to be served to Bryant Donham.