JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV) – Local and national activists participated in a march and rally through downtown Jackson on Monday. They called for state leaders to put more resources into Jackson’s water infrastructure in order to help the city end the water crisis.
The Poor People’s Campaign, along with other local organizations and activists, held a “Moral Monday” march and rally. The march started at the Smith Robertson Museum and went through downtown Jackson to the Governor’s Mansion. Their goal is to put pressure on the legislature to give the city more resources to fix water infrastructure issues.
Berthrone Mock-Muhammed is a doctor who lives and practices in the City of Jackson. He said the water crisis has caused a number of challenges.
“When you’re doing surgery, procedures and cleaning a wound, even though we’re using sterile water. Water has to be clean. If you’re going through dialysis, water has to be clean. Any impurities can impact that particular patient, so water is so important. A West African country actually has better water than Jackson,” said Mock-Muhammed.
The water crisis has also put a huge strain on the youth in Jackson. Members of the Mississippi Association of Educators (MAE) showed support at the rally. They said something needs to be done, because many students fall behind when they can’t physically go to school due to the water crisis.
“When there’s low water pressure, no water pressure, our schools have to be shut down, and we have to move over to virtual learning. That’s why we are here. We have many students who are some of our most vulnerable students, who virtual learning does not serve very well,” said George Stewart with MAE.
Organizers said they plan to continuously march and rally in downtown Jackson every few weeks.