
Mississippi House candidate to file election challenge

By Richard Lake Nov 25, 2023 | 10:57 AM

HINDS COUNTY, Miss. (WJTV) – After the election day fiasco in Hinds County, some voters and candidates remain frustrated.

Election day for Sharon Moman became stressful long before the polls closed that night. Her morning began with calls from concerned voters.

“I started receiving calls around 9:00 regarding the first precinct that we knew of that had problems and that was .A.E Woods Clinton Public Library. After 106 votes have been cast, someone walked in who identified that they were there to vote for District 56 candidates, and the poll manager said, ‘Well, we don’t have any ballots,'” said Moman, the Democratic candidate for House District 56.

Moman lost the race to Republican Clay Mansell by nearly 2,500 votes. She said her election challenge is not to flip the election in her favor.

“It’s really about the people who stood in line, who called me and said, ‘Ms. Sharon, I’ve been in line in for an hour. This is at 6:30 at night, but I’m not leaving. I’m going to stay.’ No ballots means no votes. Wrong ballots means no votes, and long lines means no votes. I want an investigation by the Department of Justice to look into this to see exactly what happens. And that’s part of what me and my team will be doing next week in the ballot review,” she said.

Moman is set to file her election challenge on Monday, November 27.